Understanding of Social Status, Race and Gender
Children form notions of social status, race
and gender early on in their development. This is according to Dr. Stephen
Quintana who is a Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This is a
relevant topic given that these issues play out quite often among white and
black university students. In one of his speeches on the issue, Dr. Quintana
noted that it all begins between the ages of three to five months when the
child begin to recognize race. It is also around the same time that a child
would be able to distinguish the faces of those around him. The whole thing
starts when the child scan faces right the eyes to the mouth and eventually
accepting to be with that particular person. Dr. Quintana also came up with a
formula for prejudice which equated it to the sum of implicit and explicit
attitudes respectively. It follows from this discussion color, race or even
caste should never be a basis for children to judge others.
How to Maximize Your College Experience
You could be figuring out how to make the
most out of your period in college. Rich Feller outlined a number of steps
towards that goal in the workshop. Most of those steps have to do with focus,
interest and relationships. It would be more rewarding for students to focus
only on those subjects they like studying and even the selected subjects should
have some relationship with one’s major. One should also take their classes at
the earliest time they are offered. A disturbing trend is seeing students
adding on more units even when they are unable to understand the units already
taken. It would be better to put more efforts in areas of weakness as opposed
to constantly adding on more units. Having the right people as friends is also
very important. Thus, students should avoid the company of those who seem to
lack focus for their studies. All these can be augmented by engaging in various
events around college as a way of meeting experienced people in their area of
study. Following the above steps would definitely see one get the most out of
their time in college
Tips of Studying & Note Taking Strategies
The skills of effective studying and note taking
are very essential to every student. The steps presented by Laurie Hazard who
is a study skills expert at Bryan University can be very helpful. Her
presentation underscored the need for students to master whatever it is that
they are studying every semester. This could be Accounting, History, Government
or any other course. Mastery involves the three steps of seeing, listening and
doing. For purposes of recalling the discussions in class, students should
always take class notes. It is surprising how such notes can trigger the
memories of whatever happened during the given class. Prior preparation before
any class also enhances the ability to actively engage in class discussions. Following
the steps above should lead to higher levels of success among students.
Steps to Be a Successful Student
Every student would want to know the steps
that can make them successful while in college. In one of her speeches, Lauric
Hazard summarized the results of 20 years of study by higher education experts
on the issue. The studies conclude that success can be achieved by modifying
habits, attitudes, traits and behavior. These factors are important as they
determine the way a student relates with both their professors and fellow
students which are also important to succeeding in college. The lectured only
emphasized the role that psychological factors play in the academic life of a
student. There must be agreement in thoughts, feelings and attitudes for a
student to succeed. She had also
mentioned the psychology to healthy academic adjustment for students. In
essence, success in school must go beyond merely attending lectures and taking
tests. Rather, mental preparation must also be a component in that mix.
Drugs Addiction
In their speeches on drug addiction, both
Dr. Ali Jararah and Dr. James Rose have
noted the direct effects of drugs on the mind as well as the body. Even the
behavior of the consumer is not immune to the modifying effect of drugs. The
effects are not limited to any particular drug but can result from the various
categories such as alcohol, heroine, steroids, and caffeine, chocolate and
cough syrup. The two professors were keen to illustrate their points through a
picture of the brain showing how drugs affect all its vital parts. Addiction is
a process which begins when a person who first uses a drug begins to like it.
This leads to subsequent consumption which eventually becomes out of control.
Even animals have been shown to exhibit the same tendencies with drugs. Animals
injected with drugs begun to eat more of that particular drug. This affects
important functions such as the ability to sleep. It is clear from the above
discussion that drug addiction is not good in any way.
Time Management: Strategies of Success
What does it actually mean when one talks of
time management and why would anyone bother about it? Insights from a speech by
Laurie Hazard might be useful. Her
approach moves away the focus on time itself towards behavior. Borrowing from
the world of business, Hazard presented a concept called Time of Task (TOT)
which urges students to focus on the time they spend on tasks. In addition,
students must divide their day equally between sleep, study and free time in
what would be called the 888. This means eight hours on each of the three
activities of sleep, study and free time. Any deviation from this would see a
student lose the ability to concentrate. All these must be accompanied by a
proper planning of one’s time depending on how the semester is scheduled. I cannot
agree more with the 888 approach to time management.
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