Research Proposal Memorandum

Subject: Research Proposal
Date: April 28, 2013
Research Topic: A 2011 survey by PEW Hispanic Centre found California to have the highest number of undocumented immigrants by state. This comes in when efforts are underway to bring immigration reforms. My topic would, therefore, look at the impact of undocumented immigrants on the California tax system. It will evaluate whether or not undocumented immigrants negatively impact on the Californian economy. The immigrants in discussion here are of the Mexican origin and other ethnicities between the years2011-2013.I want to find out just how big is the margin of economic benefit from forced taxation on illegal immigrants, and possibly come up with a reason why illegal immigration should be justified. As a student of economics, this topic relates to my field of study because the United States economy is easily susceptible to drastic changes made by illegal immigrants coming in. California encourages illegal immigrants to pay their tax as according to the California Safe and Responsible Driver Act. This can be a microcosm for a country-wide shift.
Research Question                                                                                                                                                            I will explore the question regarding how much tax revenue illegal immigrants contributed to California. Though my status is legal, I believe that illegal immigrants play a significant role in contributing to California by paying sales tax. California residents thus benefit the most. Unlike the tourists, Illegal immigrants should pay taxes like all U.S. citizens (Francine, L., 2006).According to Lipman (2006), billions of dollars are collected from the illegal immigrants mainly from taxation on sales, property and income payroll taxes to Medicare, Social Security and unemployment taxes to federal, state, and local coffers each year. This topic is of significance interest to the general audience given that the issue of illegal immigration has always carried a negative connotation. Many regard it as the cause of the high unemployment rate.
Point of Debate:This topic is highly debatable as many California residents believe that illegal immigrants evade paying taxes and are instead draining resources, and therefore, the government should take actions to stop this problem. Representative Lamar Smith from Texas 21st District and a former chair of the House Judiciary Committee has argued that illegal immigration hurt the U.S economy directly and indirectly (2010).He cites the fact that illegal immigrants are drain social services like education. Smith (2010) also argued that undocumented immigrants deny many U.S citizens the chance to work at decent jobs. Even economists are divided on the issue. Labor economists contend that the wages of low-skilled Americans have been going down because of illegal immigration. Other economists like Giovanni Peri at University of California, Davis, however, argue that undocumented immigrants do not compete with skilled workers but instead complement them (Davidson, 2013). My research has also failed to yield evidence supporting the view that undocumented immigrants hurt the economy. It is apparent that the residents enjoy more benefits when state government generates more income. However, some people like low-skilled workers who actively compete with illegal immigrants will strongly be against illegal immigrants.
Narrowing Scope: I could narrow down the scope of this topic by focusing only on undocumented immigrants of the Mexican origin and covering between 2011 to 2013 in the state of California. This scope would fit   in a 7-8 page paper by focusing only on the key ideas which are the analysis of the money accrued by taxing illegal immigrants on the one hand and that saved by withholding certain benefits from them on the other. I would then discuss the implications of allowing illegal immigration occur as it currently is.
Research Plan: My research plan would be to attain facts found from online articles and a scholarly article found in the UC Davis collections. From the online articles, I acquired information such as the tax revenue from illegal immigrants, state and local taxes paid by them, and all other past numerical data. From the article found in the UC Davis collections, I acquired information such the facts behind the issue of taxing illegal immigrants in the United States.


Davidson, A. (2013, February 12).Do Illegal Immigrants Actually Hurt the U.S Economy? The    New York Times. Retrieved April 29, 2013, from          us-economy.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

            It is from this paper that I learned that economic arguments against illegal immigration      are often advanced to support a preconceived point of view. Both opponents and          proponents of illegal immigration will often find a way of justifying their assumed       position. The author was able to convincingly put a case for undocumented immigrants      while noting to downplay the negative impacts. 

Lamar,S.(2010,April 15). Illegal immigration is a tax-dollar drain. The Daily Caller. Retrieved       April 29, 2013, from          tax-dollar-drain/ 

            This article provided me with a political perspective on the issue of undocumented            immigrants. The author takes the position characteristic of most Republicans. In an   attempt to discredit the position of the Democrats, the article first presents that position       giving the reader a view on how Americans of different political persuasions think.

Lantigua, J. (2011, December 28). Illegal immigrants pay social security tax, won’t benefit. The Seattle Times.Retrieved from
            From this source, I learned that billions of dollars are deducted from paychecks issued to undocumented workers. This is contrary to the beliefs of many Americans that illegal         immigrants do not pay taxes.
            Unauthorized immigrants pay taxes, too. (2011, April 18). Retrieved from  
            From this source, I learned that at least half of unauthorized immigrants pay taxes like       everyone else. They pay sales taxes, property taxes- even if they rent. According to the     institute of Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP), illegal immigrants households paid $             11.2 billion in state in local taxes. California received $ 2.7 billion from these        households.
Lipman, F. (2006). Taxing undocumented immigrants: separate, unequal, and without representation.Tax Lawyer, Vol. 59 Issue 3, p813-866, 54p.
            From this source, I learned that many Americans believe undocumented immigrants are     exploiting the United States’ Economy. They believe the illegal immigrants cost more in   government services than they contribute to the economy. Empirical studies however, have shown that illegal immigrants contribute more to the public coffer in taxes than they        cost in social services. Undocumented immigrants also contribute to the economy through their investment and consumption of goods and services.




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